Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have my visa! Ecuador granted my visa request very quickly - the process from end to end took about a week and a half. It's such a relief to have my passport back in hand.

My life has really turned upside down. Two months ago I was in school, stressed out trying to finish spring trimester and the overlapping summer session I class I took. I was working and living in my condo, driving my little blue Toyota around. Now my condo is rented, school is out, my car is sold and I quit my job as of Friday. I'm staying at a friend's house and driving a borrowed car. What furniture I didn't sell is at my dad's house and the rest of my things are packed up in boxes in the house where I've been staying for about a week and a half.

I said school is out but that doesn't count the online biology course I'm taking through the University of Minnesota. In the morning I read, listen to an online lecture or submit an assignment for that class. Yesterday's excitement involved taking my cat to the groomer to be shaved and then to the vet to address a (hopefully) minor issue. Today I have an expanse of time before me that I'm not sure yet how I will fill. I have a few options. Tomorrow I move to my dad and step mom's house for a day before heading out to Montreal.

After a busy year - two years really - of working  full-time and taking a more than full course load to finish school faster, I thought it might be nice to take a breather, a little personal vacation, gather my energy for my time in Ecuador.

I will probably be in Montreal the next time I write. I will go there on Friday to spend three weeks with Abi before I leave for Ecuador.